The Shaun the Sheep Collection is a charming compilation revolving around the clever, mischievous, and endearing sheep, Shaun. Born from the world of Wallace and Gromit in "A Close Shave", Shaun ...
Shaun and The Flock are too impatient to wait for breakfast ... It's a scorching hot day on the farm and the Flock need to cool off. When Bitzer discovers the Sheep Dip is out of action the Flock have ...
Shaun the Sheep, star of Wallace and Gromit's A Close Shave, is getting his own show. Shaun is not a sheep who follows the rest of the flock, and his lively personality sets him apart from his ...
It was a giant leap for lamb-kind, but now he's baa-ck. Shaun the Sheep has returned to Britain after taking part in the US space agency's (Nasa) epic mission to the Moon last year. A model of the ...
Featuring everyone’s favourite Shaun the Sheep characters and introducing a couple of new faces, take your seat for the most exciting sporting event Mossybottom Farm has ever seen! Shaun the ...