In desperate times of survival, two brothers running a small rural butchery service, look for means to get by. They start a ...
CDT编辑注: 北京一法院11月29日以间谍罪判处媒体人董郁玉七年监禁。现年62岁的董郁玉毕业于北京大学法学院,曾任官媒《光明日报》资深编辑,在一些文章中对当局提出批评,曾获得多项新闻奖。他还曾为 外媒 撰稿 ...
Here, to get his ear means to get a word in his ear. “Getting someone’s ear” is a metaphor, not to be taken literally. In ...
是真费劲儿 今天,我打算趁着黑五去买台XBOX,进到店里排上了队。没想到我一直排的是上厕所的队,等我意识到排错队的时候,店里的XBOX已经卖光了。FML Today, while shopping for Black Friday, I got in line, hoping to get an Xbox One. I spent so long mistakenly standing in ...
Hepburn's footsteps are retraced through her legendary Oscar debut, the very Vespa from Roman Holiday, and her intimate ...
AlphaGalileo has helped us more than double our reach at SciDev.Net. The service has enabled our journalists around the world to reach the mainstream media with articles about the impact of science on ...