Both the Old and New Testaments provide a compelling case for affirming the historical and perpetual connection to the Land of Israel.
While the Mosaic covenant introduces conditions—obedience to God’s law—it does not annul the unconditional Abrahamic promise. Deuteronomy 30:1-5, for instance, promises restoration to the la ...
In understanding the covenant we discover the deeper meaning of all of the sacraments. Covenants are how God the Father fathers his family throughout salvation history, beginning with Adam and Eve.
Weekly sermon summaries for local and area churches.
War can be understood as a modern, secular form of human sacrifice and a manifestation of sacrificial logic, particularly when viewed through the lens of ritual, symbolism and communal narratives.
As a Rabbi I am faithful to the covenant that God made with Abraham – the first ... 28:14), has been fulfilled in the three Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Lent has begun for many in typical ways, with fish fries as well as Ash Wednesday worship services or occasions where one ...
It is commonly observed that the devil begins his attack on Jesus at the level of his identity and security: ‘If you are the son of God…’. It is equally commonly observed that Jesus responds each time ...
Preaching tips, advice and inspiration, as featured in the Church Times.
230 (22) Sarah Posner, God’s Profits: Faith, Fraud and the Republican Crusade for Values, Polipoint Press: Sausallito, 2008, p.106 (23) David Rausch, Zionism within Early American Fundamentalism ...