Permission to Take Risks Growth often requires stepping beyond our comfort zones. Whether it’s pursuing a dream, speaking up, or trying something new, giving ourselves permission to take risks ...
Learn more. In response to William Vaughan Jr.’s Jan. 14 letter (“Op-ed wrongly asked us to ‘give back’“), I see nothing wrong with being asked to show gratitude for the many benefits we ...
Soren Kierkegaard, the 19th-century Danish philosopher, was right. Life is best understood backward. I have embraced a nugget of advice from my parents: Life can be summed up into three parts.
I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for the incredible services and resources provided by our local library system. As a frequent visitor, I am continually impressed by the variety of ...
This year Jan. 20 marks Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and a National Day of Service where people are encouraged to give back to communities, help each other out, and strengthen the fabric of our ...
Mr. Griffin has wasted time and taxpayers’ money. He lost the election and refuses to concede that fact. He’s just another sore loser. Give it up Mr. Griffin!
Biden was the seventh president to continue the modern tradition of leaving a letter to his successor. Biden was the sixth president to leave ... made even more difficult by criticism you may not ...
It’s time for Boulder to give pedestrians protection, via regulating speed limits for all mechanical vehicles (including skateboards and roller-skates) to 6 mph on all sidewalks, trails and ...
So speaking of common sense, writing a letter to the paper to incorrectly accuse the Town of “giving away our tax dollars” seems a bit premature, as would be the notion of tearing out these working, ...
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser welcomes all opinions. Want your voice to be heard? Submit a letter to the editor. >> Write us: We welcome letters up to 150 words, and guest columns of 500-600 words.
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Each year, as we approach Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Black History Month, the topic of racial discrimination seems to attract greater attention. According to liberal media and polls, racism ...