Actor Sarathkumar's 150th film, 'The Smile Man', directed by Syam Praveen, is set for an OTT release on Aha on January 24. Alongside Sarathkumar, the film features Iniya, George Maryan ...
The man accused of disguising himself in an attempt to enter a Jewish community center in Nashville appeared before a judge for the first time Thursday morning. A front desk employee, security ...
They are working independently. The man has a glass of water and an apple that he enjoys while he works. Sad man trying to smile with a sad smiley. Depression, burnout, midlife crisis concept. Sad man ...
A 43-year-old man is accused of trying to steal a Yigo Mayor's Office van, a magistrate's complaint filed in the Superior Court of Guam states. Andrew Anthony Jones was charged with attempted ...
Sarath Kumar stars in The Smile Man, a gripping Tamil crime thriller The Smile Man streams on Aha Tamil starting January 24 A veteran cop with Alzheimer's tackles a chilling serial killer case ...
A Clermont County grand jury has indicted a man on multiple counts of arson after ... he told officers that there was a blanket in the oven and he was trying to catch the apartment building ...
While trying to find the bike, the officer found it with a man trying to hitch up a trailer, a man who had a warrant out for his arrest. The man was taken into custody by Minneapolis Police ...
JACKSON, Mich. (WILX) - A man suffered severe burns to his face and hands while trying to extract THC from marijuana. Around 12:13 a.m. Friday morning, officers with the Blackman-Leoni Department ...
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This year’s awards darling and enduring sex symbol sits down to discuss her Oscar snub, aging gracefully, and nightmarish men ...