While SS Rajamouli’s wife, Rama, played minor roles in the show, it marked the beginning of her career in the world of entertainment. Besides Sivaji Raja, actor Naresh also played Amrutham for a ...
A Bengaluru-based tele-serial actor, Charit Balappa, was arrested for allegedly harassing and blackmailing a 29-year-old actress. The accused, known as Druvant Talwar, was charged under multiple ...
Karnataka Police arrested famous Kannada TV serial actor Charith Balappa on charges of sexually harassing and blackmailing a young actress over her private videos on Friday. The Rajarajeshwari ...
Popular Malayalam serial actor, Sreelakshmi Sreekumar, has tied the knot with her school friend, Jose Shaji, marking the culmination of their eight-year-long relationship. The couple, who have ...
DEAR RUSTY: My wife will reach her full Social Security benefit at 66.5 years of age which is just under 2 years away for her now. If she were to begin to get her monthly check now (i.e. early ...
Dear Rusty: My wife will reach her full Social Security benefit at 66.5 years of age which is just under 2 years away for her now. If she were to begin to get her monthly check now (i.e. early), would ...
Bengaluru: Karnataka Police arrested famous Kannada TV serial actor Charith Balappa on charges of sexually harassing and blackmailing a young actress over her private vid-eos on Friday.
Bengaluru, Dec 27 Karnataka Police arrested famous Kannada TV serial actor Charith Balappa on charges of sexually harassing and blackmailing a young actress over her private videos on Friday. The ...
Balappa, who has acted in Kannada and Telugu television serials since the mid-2010s, was taken into custody following a complaint filed by a 29-year-old actress.
Michael Imperioli and Victoria Imperioli have been married for nearly three decades Hoda Mallone is a contributing writer for PEOPLE. She has also been published in the Los Angeles Times and more.
The ex-wife of a serial killer convicted of murdering and torturing several sex workers has made a desperate plea to help locate her son. Lobna Yakout, 33, was married to Karim Selim for six years ...
This actress went against father, became second wife of Chief Minister 27 years older than her, has a massive net worth of... This actress got married against her family's wishes, became CM's ...