Engage in thrilling action-packed battles with iconic characters from the legendary anime franchise including Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, Uryu Ishida, and Yasutora Sado (Chad).
Bandai Namco announced the release date for its action game Bleach Rebirth of Souls. Additionally, details for each edition ...
But the newest Bankai debuted in the latest episode is a mix of both of those things. Kyoraku’s full unleashing of his Bankai, Katen Kyokotsu: Karamatsu Shinju, is a the Bankai debut fans have ...
Reincarnated as a Sword season 2 is official as the sequel season was greenlit even before the first season to an end. The isekai anime aired through the Fall 2022 anime season and was immediately ...
Just like most other modern gacha games, Sword of Convallaria also features a code redemption system that lets you get more freebies. That can be huge for F2P players in particular. Here are all ...
Here, enter your YouTube username to verify that you’ve subscribed to xFrozenStudios. Do the same thing for the X codes section, where you must verify your Roblox username. After you’ve been through ...
With Pull a Sword codes, you have a better chance of pulling your very own sword from the stone. Not just anyone can wield Excalibur, but you’re not just anybody, are you? You have determination and ...