Riddhima Kapoor Sahni shared a heartfelt photo of her parents, Neetu and late Rishi Kapoor, on their wedding anniversary. The picture showed the couple in black outfits, smiling joyfully.
Riddhima Kapoor Sahni often shares throwback photos of her late father and veteran actor Rishi Kapoor. The actress today also shared another throwback photo featuring father and mother Neetu Kapoor.
Rishi Kapoor, Delhi footballer and the first from the city to win a national football league title, passed away at 49. A skillful left-footed midfielder-turned-defender, he played for Hindustan FC ...
The United States and India are shaping up as key markets amid macroeconomic shifts and growth opportunities, according to Rishi Kapoor, Vice Chairman and Chief Investment Officer at Investcorp.
Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, the daughter of legendary actors Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor, took to Instagram today to share a beautiful throwback photo in celebration of her parents’ 45th wedding ...