Stay 500 yards away, about the length of five football fields. This regulation applies to vessels, aircraft, drones and ...
Boaters and residents of the Treasure Coast should be on the lookout for an endangered species navigating our coastline.
Scientists had believed Southern right whales have a lifespan of about 70 years, but a new study shows that endangered ...
Over 75 extremely rare sea creatures — about “ 20% of the entire population ” — were spotted off the Maine coast, photos show ...
It is unusual to see so many right whales off the Maine coast, especially this time of year, but research scientists with the ...
NASSAU COUNTY, FLORIDA, Fla. — The right whale "Grand Teton" was seen with a newborn calf off Amelia Island on Thursday.
Koala and Curlew are unrelated and possibly pregnant females that have become traveling companions, which is unusual for ...
Biologists from the New England Aquarium say 20 percent of all the right whales in the world are together, right now, off the ...
Surveyors at the New England Aquarium spotted at least 50 — and possibly more than 60 — whales grouped in a small area east of Portsmouth, N.H.
Some whales may live to 150. This lifespan is almost double the 70-80 years they are conventionally believed to live.