Amitabh Bachchan and Rekha have starred together in many memorable films in their illustrious careers. The diva has always been candid about her love for her Silsila co-star and one interview with ...
Rekha ji, that Amitji is my husband and will always be. Don’t forget that he is the son of Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan. We come from a family where family values are of utmost importance.” ...
Bollywood is filled with fashion legends but none can match the grace and class of the evergreen Rekha. Dressing up in chic silhouettes and carrying an all-glam hair and makeup look at all times ...
Midnapore/Kolkata: Rekha Sau, one of the five new mothers, who developed complications post-C-section delivery at Midnapore Medical College & Hospital.