Leah Boustan and Reihan Salam on what to expect from the new administration. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump made immigration a cornerstone of his campaign. The question now is what will he ...
Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam had a vision for how Republicans could reclaim the working class. They never expected Trump to fulfill it. Ready? I’m ready. All right. We’re going to start.
The reel featured Wallace enthusiastically showing off his Swifty bracelet — a nod to popstar Taylor Swift — as well as tech journalist Kara Swisher wearing a VR headset and Reihan Salam danci ...
Nowadays, Reihan Salam is best known as the distinguished president of the storied right of center think tank the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. But I knew Reihan once upon a time as my ...
Wallace was joined by pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson, journalists Kara Swisher, Lulu Garcia-Navarro and Reihan Salam, who served as panelists. He announced his departure on Monday and will ...