Besides that, Reem also shared a photo from the sets of her upcoming show. The actress candidly poses with Anshuman and Mohit as they discuss something. Their chemistry from the previous show will be ...
Ek Farzi Love Story is a romantic series starring Anshuman Malhotra and Reem Sameer Shaikh in the lead roles. The series, which is directed by Aarambhh M Singh, is streaming on OTT. When and where ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
Recently she visited Abu Dhabi and shared a glimpse of her trip along with close friends Kanika Mann, Shivangi Joshi, Reem Shaikh and Jannat Zubair. Sharma went on to have her breakout role in Rashmi ...