Actor Ram Kapoor, who hosted Rakhi Sawant's popular show Rakhi Ka Swayamvar, made a strong statement about how the actress was exploited in the industry, and that she has achieved whatever she has ...
Ram Kapoor lauds Rakhi Sawant as a self-made star, crediting her hard work for her success despite industry challenges. He also opened up about her struggles during Rakhi Ka Swayamwar. Listen to Story ...
Ram Kapoor got to know Rakhi when he hosted her Swayamvar in 2009. The winner of Rakhi Ka Swayamvar was Elesh Parujanwala, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The season was aired from 29 June 2009 to 2 ...
The actor revealed how the industry has tried to misuse Rakhi and revisited the time he worked with her on Rakhi Ka Swayamvar. Ram told Siddharth Kannan, “The industry tried to pigeonhole her into a ...
Ram Kapoor recently shared his thoughts on Rakhi Sawant’s success in the Hindi film industry, emphasizing her determination and self-made rise without any connections in the industry. Ram Kapoor, who ...
Ram Kapoor’s association with Rakhi dates back to 2009 when he hosted her reality show Rakhi Ka Swayamvar. The show’s finale saw Rakhi getting engaged to Elesh Parujanwala, though the ...
Actor Ram Kapoor, known for his roles in the televisin industry once hosted the popular reality TV series Rakhi Ka Swayamwar, starring Rakhi Sawant. He shared his perspective on actor and dancer ...
Ram hosted the reality show Rakhi ka Swayamvar, a show where Rakhi chose from a list of eligible bachelors to get married. When he was asked whether he regrets hosting the show, Ram shared that ...
(A nice, sexy dancer, who the industry tried to misuse... she has a lot of bad experiences.) No godfather, nothing... I saw all this because of Rakhi Ka Swayamwar, so you learn from everything." In an ...
Recently, veteran actor Ram Kapoor, who hosted Rakhi’s much-talked-about reality show Rakhi Ka Swayamvar in 2009, opened up about her incredible journey. Speaking to Siddharth Kannan in an ...