Rajesh Khanna, an iconic Bollywood actor, was in a seven-year relationship with actress Anju Mahendru before marrying Dimple Kapadia. Their breakup stemmed from compatibility issues and rumors of ...
Rajesh Khanna, during his peak in the early 1970s, signed a film for its large payment without reading the script. Discovering it to be terrible, he had writers Salim-Javed rewrite it completely.
Bollywood actor Rajesh Khanna ruled the silver screens and hearts of moviegoers for decades with his unmatched charisma, captivating screen presence, and a string of consecutive hits, starting with ...
Rajesh Khanna was widely hailed as the first Superstar of Indian cinema. Girls wrote letters to him in blood, married his photographs, and covered his car with lipstick marks. His was a hysteria ...