Purim is one of Reno Rabbi Benjamin Zober's favorite holidays. It is an occasion when everything is turned on its head, Zober ...
With Purim around the corner, I want readers to learn a little about how Jews who lived in Arab and Muslim countries for ...
The true test of any civilization is not whether it can withstand its enemies, but whether it can justify its own existence beyond them.
Brooklyn-based contemporary circus company ABCirque presents an acrobatic, family-friendly event where “everything’s accepted.” It’s nearly Purim — this year, the holiday begins on the ...
Joachim Prinz writes that when their neighbors knelt and prayed to the Catholic Madonna, the Marrano women’s thoughts “were with Esther.” Such is the power of the Purim story, and the struggle of the ...
Shalom Bayis teacher and Shidduch mentor Rabbi Dr. Jack Cohen will lead an event in Crown Heights on Wednesday, March 5, to ...
REMEMBER This Shabbat is Shabbat Zachor. The reason it is called that is because we read a passage from Deuteronomy and also ...
When she was in kindergarten, I took my daughter to see a joyfully chaotic puppet show for Purim. On our way out, I asked her what she thought of the play. “I liked it,” she said, then paused ...