Hundreds of perforated Cambrian shells reveal distinctive predator-prey dynamics in the ocean 517 million years ago.
A study led by researchers at the American Museum of Natural History presents the oldest known example in the fossil record ...
Researchers have uncovered the oldest known example of an evolutionary arms race in the fossil record, dating back 517 ...
A new study led by researchers at the American Museum of Natural History presents the oldest known example in the fossil ...
Prokaryotes that are able to prey upon other microbes were first described over 75 years ago, and since then predators have been identified in diverse microbial taxa. Most studies of micropredators in ...
Researchers have discovered the oldest known example of a predator-prey “arms race,” based on their study of ancient fossils.
A new study led by researchers at the American Museum of Natural History presents the oldest known example in the fossil ...
Birds make sounds to communicate, whether to find a potential mate, ward off predators, or just sing for pleasure.
A new study led by researchers at the American Museum of Natural History presents the oldest known example in the fossil record of an evolutionary arms race.
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