Pokémon is a popular anime franchise. It has numerous characters from TV series, movies and video games. The characters include girls and women who fans look up to. Discover the most famous female ...
You can be a homemaker, lawyer, programmer, or astronaut. The options abound. But the girls who grew up to be the strongest women learned a few unique skills as kids — and not all of the lessons ...
Girls have lost ground in reading, math and science at a troubling rate, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of student test scores across the country. Since 2019, girls’ test scores ...
For millions of girls across Africa and Asia today, menstruation means staying home from school. Often, owing to a lack of period products, these girls miss up to a week of class every month.
In the summer of 1983, Katy Golden’s mom had stocked their kitchen in the suburbs of Detroit with Popsicles and bubble gum. Golden was 5 years old and about to have her tonsils removed to help ...