Deregulation, defunding of welfare programs, higher taxes on the poor, and weak labor laws lead to high poverty in the United ...
Several renowned economists and leaders have provided insights into the root causes of the high poverty rate in India. Amartya Sen, the Nobel laureate economist, has highlighted the importance of ...
Countries classified as mostly or moderately free have a poverty rate of 1.8%. Countries categorized as mostly unfree or repressed have a poverty rate of 15.7%.
Women, especially single mothers, older women and caregivers, are at higher risk of poverty due to systemic barriers like ...
The figures indicate a fluctuating birth rate over recent years: 27,936 live births in 2017, 28,113 live births in 2018, ...
New Jersey, often celebrated as the "Garden State" for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant communities, is not without its ...
Providing well-tolerated, preventive TB treatment can reduce the risk of developing active TB disease by 85 per cent in the ...
China has vowed to keep its urban jobless rate around 5.5 per cent this year while striving to prevent those at the lowest economic rung of society from falling back into poverty, in an effort to ...
When the most recent figures were published, the Child Poverty Action Group warned ministers that, by relying so heavily on a single policy measure, they were unlikely to meet their targets for child ...
With soaring inflation, high living costs, exorbitant rent increases, and worsening living conditions, the number of retirees ...