The Disney blockbuster, which tells the story of Snow Queen Elsa, her loveable, goofy sister Anna and Olaf the snowman, became an instant classic when it premiered in November 2013. It earned a st ...
From Shalom Harlow’s iconic spray-painted dress to Naomi Campbell’s unforgettable runway tumble, explore the most memorable fashion shows in history ...
A centuries-old Buddhist model of the universe has new meaning for the shortest of days and longest of worries. By Holland Cotter Sublime paintings from Siena, the birth of Impressionism and ...
We asked actor Anna Kendrick — who recently did a partnership with Keurig —about the quiet hair dryer, sophisticated candle, and dish soap she can’t live without. I like to keep blankets ...
Anya Polytech and Fertilizers, one of the leading manufacturers of HDPE & PP bags, Zinc Sulphate Fertilisers and Micronutrient Mixtures for agricultural needs, plans to raise ₹45 crore through ...