This article explains why pooping may feel pleasurable. It also outlines some of the characteristics of a healthy poop and discusses some of the problems associated with not pooping. The pudendal ...
Constipation is a common childhood health issue, but we don’t talk about it much. According to the children’s bowel and bladder charity ERIC, the condition impacts one in three kids (including ...
Your poop (stool) can reveal information about your health. Your diet can lead to typically temporary changes in poop color or shape, but so can a range of health conditions that cause poop to be pale ...
Holding in poop on occasion is not harmful, but doing this often can lead to constipation, impaction, inflammation, and more severe complications. People who hold in their poop too often may start ...
Seeing your poop float might surprise you. But it's usually nothing to worry about. More often than not, it's related to something you ate. Other times, floating poop can be a symptom of an underlying ...
What's most important is consistency. If you notice changes in the color, texture, or shape of your poop, or in how often you go, talk to your doctor. Also, contact your doctor anytime you have ...
You might already know that how often you go number two can reveal where your gut health is at ― less than three times a week reveals constipation, the NHS says, while you may have diarrhoea if ...
Looking at participants’ self-reported data, researchers grouped their poop patterns into four sub-sections; constipation (one to two bowel movements a week), low to normal (three to six bowel ...
But what about the size and shape of the stool ― which the Bristol stool chart tells us changes according ... Writing for the Mayo Clinic, Dr Elizabeth Rajan said that “pencil thin” poop can rarely be ...