Premiering in 1997, the anime featured the adventures of Ash Ketchum ( Satoshi in Japan). He would travel across the land, dreaming of becoming a Pokemon Master. His companions, Pikachu ...
Often cited as the world's most valuable media franchises, Pokémon is a household name that's been a Nintendo staple since the Game Boy. The beloved series is home to hundreds of amazing ...
Pokémon Go codes provide you with essential in-game items and rewards that make your life as a trainer an absolute breeze. The issue is finding them in the first place. That’s where we come in, as ...
You may not have realized it at the time, but the Pokemon TV show was very likely your first introduction and gateway drug into the world of anime. Initially revolving around Ash's dream to be a ...
Charting the adventures of Pallet Town's Ash Ketchum on his quest to become a Pokemon Master, this anime was likely among your first tentative steps in the medium. To help relive your childhood ...
Dominate the competition with our list of the latest active Anime Showdown codes to collect a heap of goodies for this epic, anime-style Roblox experience. With plenty of free coins and gems up for ...
Lucy, Anias and Marina, three girls from different schools are transported to the world of Zephyr as well as their mission to become Magical Warriors to rescue the captured Princess Esmeralda. A ...
Today' Connections is a tricky one, but that doesn't mean you have to lose your streak! Here are our hints for the Connections answer for today, 11th December. If you haven't played it before ...