At worst, young father Cameron Bond thought his colonoscopy in late January would lead to a diagnosis of Crohn’s or coeliac disease.
A MAN ended up in the A&E after eating a 7lb (3kg) burger in a competitive speed-eating contest. The 30-year-old scoffed down ...
But it was only after the woman from China's symptoms persisted, that doctors carried out an endoscopy and found live ...
Jaggery sold in Bengaluru markets has been found adulterated with harmful chemicals like washing soda, chalk powder, and ...
Apple cider vinegar shots can help you lose weight as well as manage blood glucose levels. Here is how to make these shots, ...
Yes, long-term stress can make you sick. Stress can cause physical and mental symptoms, and can lead to serious health ...
Dietary fiber isn’t important. Most people are deficient in fiber. And fiber helps with weight loss… Hopefully you spotted ...