A semi-truck driver was faced with a treacherous climb that proved to be too much for their rig. Luckily, one Chevy Silverado was on the scene to help out.
The city has half the number of snow plowing contractors it had in 2020. Commissioner of Public Services and Utilities ...
As the Thursday sunshine melted away Wednesday's precipitation, the city of Madison unveiled its latest plow names.
A man who was hit by a pickup truck that was clearing snow in Hempfield died Sunday in a Pittsburgh hospital. Paul Tucci, 73, ...
Here is where you can check live feeds that show conditions in the Sierra as rain or snow falls. Below is a view from South ...
Kyle Redland, owner of Bemidji Snow Removal, recounted two straight years of light snowfall in the area while revisiting the ...
DPW Down Five Positions Montpelier’s Department of Public Works is facing clean up from an epic snow event combined with ...
If there is one thing that makes going to school in Vermont unique, it is that almost nothing, not even a foot of snow, can ...
Lower Burrell residents who use Shank Waste Service for garbage collection will have to make sure all of their trash fits ...
On a sunny morning last December, the Landscape Services facility near Brooks Field at Wallace Wade Stadium is busy. Beefy ...
This winter, snowfall in the October to January period started slowly, Douglas Dynamics said. That improved in February, with ...
St. Louis garbage truck drivers recently received a letter from the city's Department of Streets letting them know their pay ...