Whatever your reasons for wanting a stage piano, you've probably already worked out that a simple home keyboard isn't going to cut it on tour. Stage pianos are built tough for the rough and tumble of ...
Looking for the best piano keyboard for beginners? Well MusicRadar has you covered with expert advice and useful recommendations from industry professionals It has never been easier - or cheaper - to ...
However, no one was injured or hurt but the incident sparked concern along local people. The object turned out to be space debris — junk left over from six decades of space exploration. Local ...
“The Agency wishes to clarify that the object, a metallic ring measuring approximately 2.5 meters in diameter and weighing about 500 kg is a fragment of a space object,” the KSA said.
Maj. Alois Were, an officer with the Kenya Space Agency, told Citizen TV, a Kenyan news station, that the ring-like object is "possibly from a rocket separation stage." However, it's unclear whose ...