In her preface to For the New Intellectual, Ayn Rand writes ... The basic axioms of "objectivism" as Miss Rand aptly calls her new philosophy, are sufficiently tame; it is only when she builds ...
The second is that Rand’s philosophy is incompatible with totalitarianism ... what troubles me about this gas chamber, and about Ayn Rand. And to explain that, I must say something about ...
Forbes contributor Harry Binswanger, who is a disciple of the writer Ayn Rand, argued this week that ... Yahoo's Daily Ticker today to talk about his philosophy (video here).
Rand’s is the philosophy of the psychopath, a misanthropic fantasy of cruelty, revenge and greed. Yet, as Gary Weiss shows in his new book, Ayn Rand Nation, she has become to the new right what ...
This is the most obvious with Rand, who lived her individualist philosophy by bucking countless gender and social conventions of her time. This independence, which we might admire, came with a ...
The reason this is becoming increasingly popular has a lot to do with Ayn Rand, one of Silicon Valley's favorite authors, and the “myth of the founder" her writings have helped inspire.