As Big Tobacco shifts focus to vaping and other "smokeless" forms of nicotine, firms have launched health-centred campaigns.
Sneaking cigarettes might seem like a harmless preteen rite of passage, but it's more dangerous than you think, a new study ...
People who smoke and vape are less able to break free of their nicotine addiction than folks who only have one of those ...
This smoke can also have a big impact on your lungs, Dr. Simon Meredith, a pulmonologist at Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital, ...
People who use both vapes and cigarettes are less likely to quit compared to people who only smoke or only vape, according to ...
Smoking remains the leading cause of lung cancer and radon exposure is the second leading cause. People who smoke who are also exposed to radon are at an even greater risk of lung cancer, so it is ...
Malawi breaking news publishing 24 hours a day news about Malawi, Malawi Business, Malawi Tourism, Malawi Politics, Malawi News ...
There’s no “free ticket” to keep smoking with the idea of quitting later—some changes may be irreversible, experts say.
Hafley leads the Kansas chapter of a group called CEASE, short for Casino Employees Against Smoking Effects. The group will ...
The drive will target people smoking while waiting in line, walking on busy streets, or standing outside entrances to public ...