As part of the Peer Mentoring Program, below are training resources to help you excel in your role as a mentor. The chart below reflects key takeaways from the book, Entering Mentoring, for you to ...
All peer mentor groups are led by a Horizons upperclassman who participates in a two-semester training series that equips them with the skills necessary to serve as a resource and guide to new ...
Be creative in helping new students and transfer students feel more comfortable in the School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems. 4. Attend mandatory Peer Mentor training and ...
Communicate with assigned mentee(s) to help them adjust to CU and establish connections and relationships. Attend one Peer Mentor Virtual Training in January: Dates and Zoom link to follow Communicate ...
Created by Katrina Snyder, peer mentor training and advising committee member, 2011-12. Last revised by Silmang Sene, peer mentor training and advising committee co-chair, in August 2016. A Mentoring ...
Applicants should know before applying that all Peer Mentors are required to attend mandatory fall and spring Peer Mentor Training. This happens the week before the first week of class. Training ...
Prospects is made up of a team of experienced and knowledgeable Psychology majors who are trained as Peer Mentors. Our goal is to help guide students toward their ... and receive training in resume ...
Based on feedback from actual employers, our Mentorship Initiatives team crafted unique opportunities for students to build and apply their skills, participate in resume-worthy experiences, and ...
Career Mentors are undergraduate and graduate students who coach, mentor, advise and guide their ... and weekly training and supervision throughout the year. The Nevada Career Studio has had the ...
The DRC Peer Mentor Program (PMP) pairs incoming and current DRC students to foster a sense of belonging and cultivate the skills needed to navigate their higher education experience. Over the course ...