Staten Island University Hospital (SIUH) extended their deepest gratitude to the St. George for its partnership and support ...
Americans catch an estimated 1 billion cases of the cold each year. For centuries, people have been looking for an elixir to remedy runny noses and sore throats. Elderberry supplements - marketed for ...
A Kansas City doctor and the American Academy of Pediatrics have issued a report analyzing the unique injury risks in ...
In urine, the children’s low IQ were associated with fluoride at below 4mg per litre, and 1.5 mg. In studies with lower risk ...
Although both parents and pediatricians understand the need to treat kids with hypertension, few believe the diagnosis or ...
Dayton Children’s is expanding its primary care services along both north and south along Interstate-75 after acquiring two ...
A new generation of weight loss drugs has helped some people lose significant amounts of weight and improve their health.
Autism spectrum disorder is a neurological and developmental condition marked by disruptions in brain-signaling that cause people to behave, communicate, interact, and learn in atypical ways.
Thank you so much for the support,” said Beth Auguste, who started the Chat in 2018. Home from her corporate job with a new ...
Between legalization in many surrounding states and the increased amount of people with medical use cards, the use of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, has increased dramatically in the past decade.
Mary Ann Mossolio with 1Voice Foundation offers programs to children with cancer and their families. She teams up with ...
A groundbreaking UK study in The Lancet has examined whether an additional blood test called procalcitonin (PCT) could safely shorten the time children spend on intravenous (IV) antibiotics in ...