National data shows fatal pedestrian crashes are slightly declining around the country, but not so much in the D.C. area, ...
In the city’s ongoing effort to improve pedestrian safety, Sonoma installed a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon crosswalk at ...
After a series of deadly crashes, the public has called for the city do more to ensure safer streets for residents and ...
Tulsa has seen two pedestrian-train accidents in the past week, sparking concerns about railroad safety in the downtown ...
The work — which will begin March 24 and end on April 4 — will feature three speed bumps on Nebraska Street, along with ...
The USC student senate passed six pieces of legislation, including recommendations to enhance transportation access for ...
DESTIN, Fla. -- What was a project to alleviate traffic issues in Destin is now adding another phase to include pedestrian safety and walkability. The City of Destin received a $200,000 grant to ...
The city has installed a new flashing beacon at a crosswalk on North School Street in Kalihi as part of efforts to improve ...
Janice Kuehn. The pedestrian was estimated to be about 60 years old. No arrests were made at the scene, Kuehn said, and there was no indication that the driver was under the influence of drugs or ...
The City of Paso Robles has been awarded $380,530 in funding from the Caltrans Cycle 12 Highway Safety Improvement Program grant to enhance pedestrian safety. The grant will fund new Rectangular Rapid ...