The project focuses on analyzing neural activity data to classify neuron types (spiny and aspiny). It integrates unsupervised learning methods (PCA, Autoencoders) and supervised learning models ...
The project focuses on analyzing neural activity data to classify neuron types (spiny and aspiny). It integrates unsupervised learning methods (PCA, Autoencoders) and supervised learning models ...
文章概述 本文介绍了人工智能(AI)、机器学习(ML)、深度学习(DL)和边缘人工智能(Edge AI)的概念、特性及应用领域,详细阐述了ML的各种训练模式,包括监督式、非监督式、半监督式、强化学习和自监督学习,并介绍了它们在各个领域的应用。最后,文章总结了AI、ML和Edge ...