Because the current diagnosis of exacerbation relies on patient's perception of increased symptoms (mostly dyspnoea), we hypothesised that dyspnoea perception might be different in COPD patients with ...
Mean scores were computed for perceptions of generic medicines and medication adherence. In the event of missing data, the ‘half rule’ was applied, whereby scale scores were computed based on the ...
Objectives: To determine: 1) whether racial and ethnic differences exist in patients' perceptions of primary care provider (PCP) and general health care system-related bias and cultural competence ...
Questionnaires measured patient's perception of the clinician's empathy ... [18 47 48] The CARE measure has ten questions, each of which has a scale from 1 to 5; therefore, the maximum total ...
You will be redirected to our submission process. The perception of sensory information involves intricate processes that span multiple scales, from molecular to cognitive levels. In computational ...
Patients’ perception of their illness and coping styles ... 0.82-1), measured via the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale; and the IPQ domain “consequences” (OR = 0.91; 95% CI, 0.84-0. ...
Perception differed between patients and their caregivers, with the former having a better perception ... Spearman's correlation coefficients were used to determine the association between ...
Objective To examine the impact of nurse staffing on patient-perceived quality of nursing care. We differentiate nurse staffing levels and nursing skill mix as two facets of nurse staffing and use a ...
The scale was pilot-tested by 10 non-clinicians for readability and comprehension ... 27 AF patients’ lack of confidence in their understanding of AF represents an opportunity to improve outcomes with ...