Four young friends, Rida Fathima, Irfana Sherin, Nida Fathima, and Ayisha, were laid to rest together in Palakkad after the ...
Four school students lost their lives after a speeding cement lorry mowed them down and overturned at Kalladikode in Palakkad ...
The tragic accident in Palakkad claimed the lives of four schoolgirls, leaving one survivor to recall the heartbreaking ...
Tragedy struck Panayambadam, Kerala, as a cement truck overturned, killing four 13-year-old girls walking home from school.
Four school students lost their lives after a cement-laden lorry crashed into a group of children near the national highway ...
Four school students were killed after a speeding truck mowed them down in Kerala's Palakkad on Thursday, police said.
Palakkad: Four eighth-grade students from Karimba Higher Secondary School lost their lives when a cement-laden lorry ...
According to officials familiar with the matter, the incident took place around 4.15pm at Panayampadam on Palakkad-Kozhikode ...
According to police, the students were returning home after the day’s examination, when a cement truck fatally knocked them ...
A devastating accident in Kerala's Palakkad district resulted in the death of four students, with one more injured, as a ...
KOCHI: The section of the Kozhikode-Palakkad national highway in Panayampadam, near Mannarkkad, where four students were ...