Gurvinder Singh, a 41-year-old mechanical engineer and son of an army veteran, spotted the discomfort his father, an amputee, had while using artificial limbs. He developed a better model with ...
We have assisted numerous amputees over the years all over the UK and abroad, including transtibial (below the knee) and transfemoral (above the knee) amputees, and those suffering upper limb ...
Serhiy Petchenko lost both hands while defending Ukraine from Russian invaders in June 2023. After surviving the bitter months-long battle for the city of Bakhmut, his injury came in a railway ...
Rudnieva has provided prostheses and trauma therapy to over 1,000 amputees Serhiy Petchenko lost both hands while defending Ukraine from Russian invaders in June 2023. After surviving the bitter ...
Are you passionate about helping people? If so, a career in physical therapy may be the perfect path for you. Physical therapists work closely with patients to manage pain, restore function, and ...
He suffered a traumatic amputation of his thumb. Police and medics were unable to locate any parts of the avulsed appendage. Ian and his team were able to wrap the finger in gauze to control the ...