A second intracellular copper/zinc superoxide dismutase and a manganese superoxide dismutase in Oxya chinensis: Molecular and biochemical characteristics and roles in chlorpyrifos stress.
【来源】蚱蜢科昆虫稻蝗Oxya chinensis Thunb.以干燥虫体入药。夏秋捕捉,开水烫死,晒干。 【性味】辛,平。 【功能主治】止咳平喘,定惊,消积。用于支气管哮喘,百日咳,小儿惊风,疳积。 【用法用量】每次2~4钱,小儿0.5~1钱。焙干研粉服。
Rosa chinensis, a beloved ornamental plant, is a central figure in the horticultural industry. Despite its global popularity, little was known about the role of orphan genes in its development and ...
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