As a child, Ambika Hinduja Macker had worlds living inside her. She created them and in these worlds stories, emotions, colours, shapes and sounds — everyt..
Shir Yehoshua This quote is about product development, but it encapsulates the Overthinker's Paradox more generally. This concept applies whether you're trying to build a better you, a better ...
Officials today hope to inspire a new generation of art lovers. By Zachary Small “There’s always a few athletes that cross over into almost superhero world,” said an artist whose mural ...
January 28, 2025 • An exhibition at San Francisco's Asian Art Museum points to a burgeoning trend: museums are engaging the public more openly around efforts to repatriate artifacts looted from ...
Worrying constantly is a bad habit to have, but for some people, it feels inevitable. It's the only way they feel like they have control over things, so they always worry about outcomes and what ...