Based on the long-running manga penned by Makoto Yukimura of Planetes fame, Vinland Saga is a Norse tale told through a humanist lens. It follows Thorfinn, an Icelandic boy living in the early ...
Ken Takakura's (Okarun) endearing awkwardness and Momo Ayase's sharp wit create a dynamic that feels authentic, even amidst the most surreal circumstances. From the outset, Dandadan establishes ...
Mulholland Drive from 2001 is another standout surrealist film in Lynch's remarkable repertoire. The dreamlike yet convoluted film stars Naomi Watts as an innocent aspiring Hollywood starlet named ...
Six months passed and Takeshi Miyata is still depressed after his girlfriend dumped him in a sudden way especially after he bought a big apartment for both of them but in one night after he just ...