Anime characters are frequently defined by their desire and obsession, which makes them stand out as intense and memorable people. This is taken too far by some characters, who are obsessed with ...
is based on a manga that is largely illustrated in black and white. This means, for one reason or another, a character's colors as the author had envisioned them aren't readily apparent.
Anime offers a diverse range of characters and storylines. While many feature outgoing, extroverted protagonists, there are also great anime with an introverted main character. Their quiet nature ...
Let's take a look at the strongest characters in the anime based on their influence, fighting prowess, impact, and ability to adapt to different circumstances. Only characters who have been ...
Or sometimes we just love a funny dwarf who cooks a killer hotpot. Below are our critics' picks for the best anime characters of the year. God, I didn't think seeing a character with my kind of ...
Haku from the highly acclaimed Naruto is a famous femboy anime character whose looks exude femininity. His striking elegance and effortless grace mean he's often perceived as a woman. However, he is ...