在海鲜的世界里,有两个名字常常让人困惑,它们就是生蚝和牡蛎。很多人都发现,这两者在外形上几乎没有差别,甚至有时候会被混淆。你是否也曾想过,它们之间究竟有什么样的不同呢?接下来,我们就来深入探讨这两者的奥秘。 生蚝和牡蛎其实属于同一个科,牡蛎科(Ostreidae),它们都是软体动物门、双壳纲的一员。在这一点上,它们是有着共同的基因背景的,但是它们的名字却各有来历。 生蚝的称谓主要与其生长地区和当地 ...
Dados do Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura, do Governo Federal mostram que Santa Catarina lidera um importante aspecto da economia do país. Assim, o estado apresentou duas cidades (Palhoça e Penha) ...
This study characterized the reproductive cycle of the stout razor clam Tagelus plebeius in the estuary of the Cachoeira River, Ilhéus, Bahia, northeastern Brazil. Samples of 20 animals per collection ...
Physical-chemical variation in water is relevant for oyster culture in Brazil and the National Council for the Environment (CONAMA, resolution 357/05) determines limits to dissolved oxygen, pH, and ...