A woman who went to the doctor complaining about facial pain which she thought was due to being stressed was shocked to hear ...
A teacher from Manchester dismissed a tingling feeling in her cheek as stress was ultimately diagnosed with a rare meningioma tumour in her brain. Nicola Shaw then underwent a ten-hour surgery, which ...
who suggested an MRI was needed. (Nicola Shaw/ Brain Tumor Research) She explained further, “The scan revealed a meningioma, a tumour in a rare and dangerous location near my brain stem and left optic ...
Optic Neuritis: Clinical Features Optic neuritis refers to inflammation of the optic nerve. The term may be used broadly in reference to many causes of optic nerve inflammation including systemic ...
Facial nerve paralysis describes weakness in the muscles on one or both sides of your face that causes an inability to smile, blink, or control other facial movements. It happens when the facial nerve ...