近期,手机市场传来重磅消息,三星预计将在4月份正式发布其超薄机型S25Edge,厚度仅为5.84毫米,而电池容量则控制在4000mAh以内。与此同时,苹果也不甘示弱,计划在iPhone17系列中新增一款超薄机型,电池容量预计超过 ...
近日,爆料人MajinBu基于CAD渲染图,通过3D打印的方式成功制作了iPhone17Air的机模,并展示了其独特的设计细节。据机模显示,iPhone17Air采用了横置相机模组,后置仅配备了一颗摄像头,与以往苹果手机的双摄或三摄设 ...
近日,苹果公司正式推出了全新iPad11,这款备受期待的新品搭载了A16芯片,而非此前传闻中的A17Pro。这一选择不仅让iPad11在性能上有了显著提升,更重要的是,苹果得以维持其349美元(国行版定价为2999元起)的亲民定 ...
Samsung’s thin smartphone carries a different narrative, or at least it’s attempting to write its own. The Galaxy S25 Edge ...
iPad Air 7(M3) 开箱&购买指南:教育优惠怎么买划算?
M3 iPad Air 值不值得买?国补后真香?!
苹果AppleiPadAir2025款11英寸平板电脑震撼来袭。它搭载强大的M3芯片,性能强劲,无论是多任务处理还是运行大型软件都能轻松应对。其拥有256g的大容量存储,可以满足用户存储大量文件、照片、视频等需求。现在天猫精 ...
That compares to a 6.9-inch screen for the iPhone 17 Pro Max, running at a resolution of 2868 x 1320 pixels. The same camera ...
Apple has delayed the new Siri and next-gen Apple Intelligence, but this week I've seen five demos that are finally the type of AI that we deserve. Here's more.
Apple unveiled its latest iPads today with the 11” and 13” iPad Air (2025) getting the Apple M3 chip. The new chipset is pretty much the only meaningful addition for the new iPad Airs.
This week’s Apple headlines; iPhone 17 Fold leaks, M4 MacBook Air launch, iPad Air upgrade, Brazil forces sideloading iOS ...