This feature allows you to customize all 80 tablist slots. Displaying less than 4 columns is currently not supported (here's why). This feature can be enabled and configured in config.yml file under ...
In this study, we aimed to evaluate the relationship between retinal sensitivity measured with macular integrity assessment (MAIA) microperimetry and optical coherence tomography (OCT)-based macular ...
Optics and photonics covers the entire electromagnetic spectrum from high-energy gamma rays and X-rays, through the optical regime of ultraviolet, visible, and infrared light, to long-wavelength ...
Nonlinear optics is the study of how intense light interacts with matter. The optical response of a material usually scales linearly with the amplitude of the electric field. At high powers ...
The file initially posted on 2 February 2017 was replaced on 11 May 2017 to update the History section. Superseded ...