Built and managed by the USA for several years and transferred back to Panama in 1999, the Panama Canal has recently hit the ...
From the sun-soaked coastline to the vast plains and the snow-capped Alps, these countries in Europe have the largest total area.
Two friends miraculously found their car keys minutes after they'd watched them get washed away by the ocean at Trigg Beach ...
India, along with eight other nations, participates in the French-hosted 'La Perouse' naval exercise near the Malacca, Sunda ...
Off the coast of the Maldives, the coral reef “twilight zone” is buzzing with life. This section of reef — categorized as ...
印度国防部长拉杰纳特·辛格(Rajnath Singh)周三(1月15日)表示,国际大国竞争正在印度洋地区上演,因此在关键贸易航线上建立强大的海军存在是印度的首要任务。
International power rivalry is playing out in the Indian Ocean region, India's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said on ...
Solo sailor Charlie Dalin is now the fastest to race non-stop, unassisted, around the world thanks to finishing the Vendée ...
Solo sailor Eric Dalin sets a new record for the world's most demanding sailing event. Imagine being alone on a pitching, ...
Greenpeace South Asia commends the Sri Lankan Cabinet of Minister’s approval for the proposal made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Employment and Tourism to sign the Agreement on ...
Over the past few weeks, we’ve had to delay several flights between Johannesburg and Sydney due to advice received from the ...
Climate change influences microplastic degradation by altering environmental factors such as temperature, UV radiation, and pH levels, complicating pollution management.