That show was Battlestar Galactica, which premiered with its miniseries back in 2003 before launching into its first full season the following year. The original 70s series of Battlestar followed ...
In this episode, Josh and Mike discuss Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Episode 5. Send any and all feedback to downthehatchrhap [at] gmail [dot] com, and make sure you subscribe by visiting ...
For fans of classic sci-fi, there's a great Black Friday deal on right now for the original Battlestar Galactica TV series. First released in 1978, this box set usually retails for $70 ...
The 10 webisodes, entitled "The Face of the Enemy," tell a story that takes place between seasons 4.0 and 4.5 of Battlestar and follow Lt. Gaeta when he is sent off in a Raptor with a handful of ...
Battlestar Galactica 78 episodes When Baltar and the Number Six who lives in his head have a falling out, she abandons him, only to surface a short while later aboard the Galactica.