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The policy overhaul, which Mr. Zuckerberg says will bring Meta ‘back to our roots’ and reinstate ‘free expression’ is sending shock waves across the tech world. The celebrity investor is teaming up ...
Cigars are composed of various tobacco leaves, including fillers, a binder, and a wrapper on the outside. The tobacco that makes up those leaves is grown in a variety of regions worldwide and ...
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New findings suggest that an extraordinarily powerful and dangerous burst of radiation might flare from our sun in the future. By Katrina Miller Our sun is a violent place. Bursts of radiation ...
The sun may produce extremely powerful bursts of radiation more frequently than we thought. Such “superflares” seem to happen as often as once a century, according to a survey of sun-like ...
Dec. 19, 2024 — Scientist have begun to reveal the particle-level processes that create the type of auroras that dance rapidly across the sky. The Kinetic-scale Energy and momentum Transport ...
After three decades of distinguished work in the United States, world-leading cancer researcher Sun Shao-Cong has returned to China to establish a new lab in Beijing, following what a source said ...
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