Apple TV+ series “The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin,” which stars Noel Fielding as the infamous highway bandit, has shut down in the middle of shooting Season 2, Variety has ...
Helly's "Ultimate Shame" And Outside Context That "Seeps In" At the center of this highly unusual situation is Noel Fielding, the comedy’s titular character, who is also known to American ...
Noel Fielding's team has broken its silence after concerns were raised for the Channel 4 The Great British Bake Off star. Production on the second season of AppleTV's the Completely Made-Up Adventures ...
Hopefully, everyone involved in the show can land on their feet. Noel Fielding is still on one of the most popular shows in the world. He’ll be fine. The rest of the cast and crew may not be so lucky.
The Completely Made-Up Adventures Of Dick Turpin is no more. Season 2 of the Apple TV+ comedy has been shut down after Noel Fielding pulled out around three-quarters of the way through the shoot.