It's officially titled Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound and will star the new hero, Kenji Mozu. The story follows on from the departure of Ryu Hayabusa, who goes off to avenge his father's death. This game ...
The first new entry in the series for over a decade, Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound is set for release in the summer of 2025. And it won’t put players in control of series stalwart Ryu Hayabusa. Having ...
Ninja Gaiden is returning to its 2D roots with a new game, Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound, which was announced this morning at The Game Awards. Ragebound is being developed by The Game Kitchen, the studio ...
Ninja 1987 follows that same pattern, brining seven challenging levels complete with chiptune music, retro visuals, and precision platforming and action to the palm of your hands. The game is only ...