The multinational—and several other defense giants—lost to four college students who knocked drones out of the sky using ...
Expect more guns, maps and modes and more to be added to Black Ops 6 once its first season launches alongside Warzone and ...
Activision reveals the complete list of launch weapons for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, and fans aren't happy for several ...
你对博物馆的印象是怎样的?是各具特色的建筑设计,是静卧橱窗的精品文物,还是深入浅出的讲解服务?最近,这届年轻人又开始“整活”了——利用家用冰箱贴“搭建”博物馆。这样的基本陈列,被调侃为“天花板”级别的存在:收集各地博物馆的文创冰箱贴,按朝代顺序排列贴满,方寸之间尽览中华千年历史。“文博热”之热,由此 ...
方山县妇联党组书记、主席韩凤娇说,举办本次活动的目的是带动引领、凝聚共识,共同奏响妇联系统参与移风易俗、户容户貌整治、美丽庭院建设工作的奋进乐章。她希望全县各级妇联组织要围绕中心大局,彰显巾帼责任,推动移风易俗工作落细落小落实。要强化培训引领,奉献巾 ...
South Korean conglomerate Hyosung Group plans to double its investment in Vietnam to $8 billion, creating 10,000 jobs, the Vietnamese government said Tuesday after a meeting with the firm's chairman.