Renowned filmmaker Aparna Sen was awarded the 'Satyajit Ray Lifetime Achievement Award' at the West Bengal Film Journalists Association's annual ceremony for her outstanding impact on Indian cinema.
Every weekend, Bonku Babu visited Sripati Majumdar's house but faced ridicule from the men there, often testing his patience. One evening, after claiming he was unafraid of ghosts, he was pranked by ...
During the 1980s and 1990s, Ghanaian artists created vibrant hand-painted movie posters to promote Hollywood blockbuster films. These posters served as promotional material for mobile cinemas that ...
Inspired by Satyajit Ray's critically acclaimed short story Golpo ... crafted by the talented team of Hriju Roy. The movie promises to resonate with audiences of all ages, evoking a very relatable ...
Usually, when Satyajit Ray went to these places in his adult years, the son followed but not in the case of Kashmir, which is the setting of Feludar Goyendagiri: Bhuswargo Bhoyonkawr, the latest ...
The Colors Within PG Sayu Suzukawa, Akari Takaishi January 24, 2025 ...
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The Rock has a lot cooking. The numerous Dwayne Johnson movies heading to theaters or on streaming in the near future sound like they will be keeping the multi-hyphenate busy for a while.