(NASDAQ: ILMN), a global leader in next-generation sequencing and array-based technologies, today announced a collaboration with Broad Clinical Labs to rapidly streamline and scale single-cell ...
The suspected drugs had pseudoephedrine in common. After informed consent was obtained, oral provocation with 5 mL of Sudafed syrup (GlaxoSmithKline, İlaçları Sanayi ve Ticaret A. Ş., ...
Generic drugs manufactured in India are linked to significantly more “severe adverse events” for patients who use them than equivalent drugs produced in the United States, a new study finds. These ...
During an investigation that began in 2019, Melendez Decatro was identified as the leader of a large-scale fentanyl and cocaine trafficking organization in the Brockton area that sourced drugs ...
A man accused of smuggling ganja was acquitted after a Chennai court dismissed the case due to police using a fruit vendor's weighing scales instead of their own equipment. The trial court ...
In addition, when manufacturers are made aware of adverse reactions to a drug or vaccine, they must report to Health Canada: serious adverse reactions in Canada unexpected serious adverse reactions in ...
Less than half of people experiencing homelessness regularly used illicit drugs in the prior six months. The most common drugs used by this population aren't opioids but methamphetamines.
Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics, Metabolism, and Bioanalytics (PDMB), MRL, Merck & Co., Inc., West Point, Pennsylvania 19486, United States ...
Concomitant health products (exclude treatment of action): other health products that were used at the same time as the adverse reaction describe if any drugs or health products are also suspected in ...