Cody is the perfect pup for the Christmas season - he has these tall, elf-like ears, he loves to be around family and people, ...
Over 1 million people signed the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) "End the Cage Age." The EU committed to working this ...
"Kids make you do crazy things,'' said Krisjan Polonia, who picked up an adorable black and white "teddy bear dog'' for her ...
This kind of treatment of animals doesn’t belong to this day," a spokesman said. "Times have moved on and now it’s time to ...
The Odessa American is the leading source of local news, information, entertainment and sports for the Permian Basin.
Pritzker and Democratic legislative leaders agreed to squirrel away $260 million in lump-sum appropriations to various state agencies last spring. But now some groups are trying to stake their claims.
The recent deaths of three young dolphins in a week at a roadside attraction in Florida called Gulf World, demonstrate the USDA is unable to enforce the Animal Welfare Act when it comes to ...
Some Folly Beach residents question City Council's funding of groups like Follypalooza and Folly Beach Exchange Club, which ...
We have been thinking this month about the traditions and practices associated with the celebration of Christmas. Some of the celebrations were purposefully used to replace parties and festivals of ...
As the end of the year comes closer, we look back on what has happened in beef and sheep farming in Northern Ireland.
Roughly 1,540 people whose sentences were commuted or who were pardoned by President Joe Biden on Thursday in what was the ...